1886 Sep 25 “Argemone” appeared in Hamilton “Spectator” 25/9/86
1887 Jan Sidney Walker, 14 year old son of Charles Palmer Walker, accidentally shot and killed.
1887 July 8 Foundation stone laid by John Riddoch for Obelisk at legendary leap site, Mt. Gambier.-“Border Watch” 9/7/87
1888. Howlett Ross published Laureate of the Centaurs, the first biography of Adam Lindsay Gordon, whom he had once seen ‘strolling
down Collins Street with Henry Kendall’.
1888 A.H. Massina and Co. refuse permission for Douglas Sladen to publish the best of Gordon’s poems. Releasing only one.
(“A century of Australian Song-Douglas Sladen-1888)
1889 July 26 Mr. C. R. Long, president of the Australian Literary Society, said that along with several other friends he was invited one evening, about 15 years ago, (1889) to an entertainment to commemorate Gordon’s memory. An Australian Literary Society was formed that evening in the study of work dealing with Australia. “Brighton Southern Cross 7 Sep. 1912 Page 8”
Howlett Ross was a foundation member. Meeting was at Furlong’s Rooms, The Royal Arcade, Melbourne.
1889 Sep 18 ANA Melbourne branch resolved that action be taken with a view to the erection of a statue to Adam Lindsay Gordon in recognition of his work as an Australian poet. A committee was formed to make the necessary arrangements to collect the funds.
1890 Sep 18 Young Men’s Literary and Scientific Association met for an ALG night.. Mr Alsop has set ALG’s poems to music and Lime light views prepared by Messrs Rider and Co were shown. (Williamstown Chronicle 18-9-1890 Page 2)
1891 Aug. “Literary Opinion” (England), edited by Patchett Martin. published “The Feud.”
1892 June 25 Howlett Ross’ First Pilgrimage to the tomb. – “Argus.” 27/6/92 Page 6.
Wreath placed on behalf of Gordon’s first love Mrs Jane Lee nee Bridges (Gold Museum Ballarat)
John Whiteman, Mr and Mrs Kelly and Melbourne Literary figures were also there.
Elizabeth Lauder and Edward Bright lived with their father in the SE of SA and Gordon knew their father in Cheltenham.
Mrs Elizabeth Lauder (Bright) at the age of 41 A loving friend of Gordon’s who had the Wattles planted round his grave
and paid for its upkeep from 1870-1900. Her brother, Edward Bright, was the Ned of Gordon’s masterpiece “The Sick Stockrider.”
( Book ALG Humphris & Sladen)
1892 July 17 South Melbourne A.N.A. Pilgrimage to tomb- Wreath on tomb Brighton General Cemetery Vic..
1892 Sept First meeting of the State School Teachers’ Literary Society, formed by Frank Tate
1894 Literary groups are recorded discussing Gordon poems and giving presentations to the public and introducing Gordon’s works into the school’s English curriculum
1894 June 23 The Mercury Hobart, Tas. Monday 18 June 1894 Page 3
On the 23rd the members of the Austral Salon intend to commemorate the anniversary of the death of the Australian poet Adam Lindsay Gordon. A special programme of suitable instrumental and vocal music and recitations will be given by members of the salon, and by outside professional and amateur artists. Gordon’s death, though under such melancholy circumstances, has been accepted as a prominent mark in the history of Australian literature.
The work he did is becoming more widely known each year as his publishers tell.
That work is of an abiding character, and it is therefore only in the fitness of things that a literary assemblage like the Austral Salon should each year remember in the most fitting way the worker himself.
1895 June 15 First Public Meeting of Gordon admirers called in Melbourne with a proposal to form a society. A preliminary meeting, which will be held on Monday evening at half past 8, on the first floor of No 7 Queens walk, Collins street. (The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 – 1956), Saturday 15 June 1895, page 8 )
1895 June 23 A Gordon conversation evening held at the Vienna Café Melbourne (The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Monday 24 June 1895 Page 6)
“Kangaroo” suggests the formation of a society having for its object the fostering of “an interest in Australian literature generally, and of one day erecting a statue on North terrace of Adam Lindsay Gordon. E Herbert Dudley. Librarian Kensington Norwood Institute SA (The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA Monday 1 July 1895 Page 6) “ Kangaroo” say’s in reply that in order to erect a statue, first a Gordon Society should be formed. (The Advertiser Adelaide, SA Monday 5 August 1895 Page 7)
1895 June 24 Vienna Café gathering attended by Messrs Mount, Trainor and McCrae (The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. Tuesday 25 June 1895 Page 5)
1895 July 6 “The Feud” appeared in “Australasian”- Australasian 6/7/95 Page 41
1895 July 8 “The Eaglehawk’s Nest” referred to in” From the Wreck” stiil there and needs preservation. (The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA Monday 8 July 1895 Page 7)
1895 Aug 16 Questions asked as to the need for a published, illustrated volume of Gordon’s poems, with errors corrected.
(The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA Friday 16 August 1895 Page 4)
1896 The first issue of the monthly “School Paper” appears edited by C.R. Long The Perth Literary Society formed with arrangements for a talk on Gordon by Mr J Gardiner. (The Daily News (Perth, WA Saturday 20 June 1896, page 6)
1896 Feb Charles Palmer Walker dies of pneumonia In England.
1896 May 15 A number of ladies and gentlemen met at the Vienna Café Melbourne to plan an annual celebration of Gordon on 24th June and include all Australian Literature. (The Mercury (Hobart, Tas.Thursday 21 May 1896 Page 3)
1896 June 24 Proposed as the date for extending Adelaide’s annual gathering to remember Gordon to a poet’s night with the aim to recognising the merits of all Australian authors.( The Inquirer & Commercial News (Perth, WA Friday 5 June 1896, page 7)
1896 June 24 A capacity gathering at Melbourne Masonic Hall for a Gordon Anniversary to celebrate Australian literature. (The Argus Melbourne, Vic.Thursday 25 June 1896 Page 6)
1896 July 23 A Lagoon named after Adam Lindsay Gordon by Larry Wells and Charles Wells of The Calvert Expedition into Central Australia. (
1896 July 27 It is recorded that bicycles became cheaper than owning a horse. (Gippsland Times Vic. Monday 27 July 1896, page 3)
1896 Sep 23 Australian literature is coming under ever-increasing notice in Great Britain.( South Australian Register Adelaide, SA Wednesday 23 September 1896 Page 5)
1896 Oct Australian 11 plays Gloucester at Cheltenham. Dr Stuart McGowan, claims Adam Lindsay Gordon for Cheltenham
(Zeehan and Dundas Herald (Hobart, Wednesday 14 October 1896 Page 2)
1897 June 24 Grave visited as usual on the Anniversay by a small group of admirers and monument decorated with flowers and wreaths. (Portland Guardian Vic. 28 June 1897 Page 2)
1897 Oct 1 Article on Gordon by C.R. Haines appeared in Temple Bar- Temple Bar pages 222-230
1898 June 24 C.R, Long had first ALG literary meeting in Furlong’s Rooms, Royal Arcade, Melbourne. (JK Moir)
1898 Aug 2 Tuesday afternoon Monument to Marcus Clarke, subscribed by his admirers in South Australia, unveiled in Melbourne General Cemetery (The Inquirer & Commercial News Perth, WA Friday 5 August 1898 Page 1)
1899 June 24 Australian Literary Society formed at this meeting. A similar meeting to that of June 24th 1898 (JK Moir)
See also (The Argus Melbourne, Vic. Monday 26 June 1899 Page 6)
1899 July Edward Elgar composed “Sea Pictures” which included ALG’s “The Swimmer”. (Wikipedia)
1899 Sep 6 Inaugural meeting of The Australian Literature Society at Furlong’s Music Studio and decided to meet on the first Wednesday of every month (Fitzroy City Press Vic. Thursday 14 September 1899 Page 3)
1899 Oct 5 First performance of Edward Elgar’s “Sea Pictures” which included “The Swimmer” conducted by the composer at Norfolk and Norwich Festival. (Wikipedia)
1900 Vic Education Department’s ‘Education Gazette’ edited by CR Long appears.

In front, the Burke and Wills Statue. Burke had always a great fascination for Adam Lindsay Gordon. Gordon’s poem “Gone” was written when the statue was at the corner of Collins and Russell Streets. Designed by Charles Summers and costing £14,000, it was unveiled on 21 April 1865, four years after the explorers returned to the Dig Tree. Originally on the corner of Collins and Russell Streets, the growth of traffic and the laying of tram tracks led to the removal of the monument in 1886. It was placed in a reserve in Spring Street,
opposite Parliament House on the corners of Spring, Lonsdale and Nicholson Streets.
It was moved to Carlton Gardens in 1973 when Parliament Station was constructed, and then moved again to the corner of Swanston and Collins in City Square in 1979 and a fountain was added. The statue was restored and moved to its present location at the corner of Swanston and Collins Streets in 1994. (Photo State Library of Victoria)
School Inspector- Charles R Long (1860-1944), who was educated at The Model School, was responsible for the Victorian School Readers which had an emphasis on Australian content.
He was also a champion for Adam Lindsay Gordon, being a driving force on The Gordon Memorial Committee and the annual pilgrimages to Gordon’s grave at the Brighton General Cemetery.

1874 Jan 18 Black Tom Oliver died. “Sladen Humphris Page 232”
1875 A short novel “Twixt Shadow and Shine” by Marcus Clarke was published.
1876 Marcus Clarke prefaced a re-issue of Gordon’s “Sea Spray and Smoke Drift” (See Essay:
1877 Aug 19 Charles R. Long review of Gordon’s poems in the USA. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle Sunday Edition Page 1
1879 Douglas Sladen visits his uncle Sir Charles Sladen and becomes “hooked” on Gordon after reading Gordon’s poems there.
Douglas went on to arrange the installation of Gordon’s Bust in Westminster Abbey, on 11 May 1934.
1881 Aug 2 Marcus Clarke died (The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 – 1929), Saturday 16 June 1917, page 4)
1881 Dec 29 Alexander Park (father of Maggie Low, widow of ALG), dies.
1882 Jan 3 Burial of Alexander Park in the old cemetery at Penola SA
1882 Aug 1 Henry Kendall died
1883 Oct 1 Article appeared in Melbourne Review, Page 424.
1883 Oct 19 50th Birthday
1884 Feb 1 Article in Temple Bar by Patchett Martin. Temple Bar Pages 208-220
1884 Feb 1 Article on Gordon by Rev. J.E.T. Woods appears. Melbourne Review, Page 131.
1884 Apr 1 “An Exile’s Farewell” appeared. Temple Bar, Page 523.
Subsequent to the Temple Bar article of February 1884 a contact is received from Mr and Mrs Mortimer Thompson, (Mrs
Thompson), producing The poem “An Exile’s farewell”.
1884 May 3 At the Savage Club rooms in the Leicester Hotel London with the Australian Cricketers, Gordon’s “How We Beat the Favourite”
was recited.
1884 June 23 Avoca June 23rd 1884 Sir Many thanks for your kind answer enclosed £1 for the Sexton and I would like above all others one Wattle
Tree with the beautiful yellow blossoms and a few Snowflakes, I have sent by train some Violets from my own garden (not for the
value of them but simply because I have grown them) if there are any more plants required the Sexton can send me word what he
would like and I will get Mr Merton [?] to send them from Richmond there are many beside me that ought to remember poor Mr.
Gordon in all kindness he was a near neighbour of mine for many years near the Coast in the S E D [South East District] of Adelaide
near Robe Town now called Guichen [?] Bay, but I never saw him in Melbourne. Hoping the Sexton will plant the grave nicely with a
few Simple flowers Forget me not, etc. I remain Yours respectfully Eliza Lauder.
1885 Mar 25 Writer in “Ballarat Courier” suggests Statue of Gordon near Lake. “Ballarat Courier” 25/3/85
1885 Apr. Article on Poetry of Adam Lindsay Gordon by FWL Adams. Melbourne Review 1/4/85
1885 Aug 8 THE “Gordon” Club (says the Daily Northern Standard, Townsville, of the 10th instant), named after the late Adam Lindsay Gordon,
one of Australia’s brightest poets, was opened on Saturday evening. This club has been started in Townsville by a number of literary
and professional gentlemen,
1886 Aug 14 Buonarotti Society (Club of the arts) held a special Adam Lindsay Gordon evening.on “The open air elements of Gordon’s poems”
1886 Sep Frederick McCubbin painted “At the falling of the year.” and “Whisperings in Wattle Boughs”

Read “The Buonarotti Society” – The Latrobe Journal
From The EMelbourne Web Site:
“The 19th century also saw the formation of a number of clubs designed to stimulate discussion of literature, music and the visual arts. The Yorick Club, established in May 1868, brought together literary men and those connected with art or science. The Buonarotti Club (May 1883) and the Melbourne Savage Club (May 1894) included prominent painters among their members. In an age that witnessed gender inequity in clubs generally, the Buonarotti Club, named after Michelangelo Buonarotti, was liberal in welcoming women and men to its membership. Members had to be performing artists within their branch of art, and all were expected to contribute to the fortnightly meetings where artists hung their larger works on the walls while smaller pictures were circulated for inspection inviting discussion.”

Article by Travis M. Sellers:
“Members of the Buonarotti Society, a club comprising of artists, writers and musicians met fortnightly to hear poetry, listen to musical performances and view artworks.
On 14 August 1886, the Society held a special Adam Lindsay Gordon evening where a paper was read titled “The Open Air elements in Gordon’s poems” which inspired the artists to illustrate studies of Gordon’s poems.
The following month, McCubbin produced two works for the inaugural Artists’ Association exhibition titled “At the Falling of the Year” and “Whisperings in Wattle Boughs” described by The Argus art critic as (I quote): “a remarkably clever picture, full of local colour, and very restful in sentiment”.
McCubbin was not the only founding member of the Heidelberg School of Art to be inspired by Gordon which moved one critic to note (I quote) “the Gordon craze is becoming popular”. Charles Conder painted “Where the Wattle Blossoms Wave” in 1890, the same year Arthur Streeton composed “One Ray of Red Fire” and “Above us the Great Grave Sky” the former taken from Gordon’s poem “Doubtful Dreams”.”